This photoshoot was a DREAM! Where do I even begin with starting this session recap? 😍 I have photographed the Di Meglio family since 2020 when I offered my porch portraits. At the time, this family was just a family of three with mom, dad and Siena. Fast forward, this family became a family of four and welcomed beautiful Emma, where I’ve had the honor to photograph this family a few times since, and have been photographing them each and every year!

We’ve had so many great memories and photo shoots with one another. Our first one being at the peek of Covid-19, our second at Princeton University, our third at their home, fourth at a beautiful park near by, and now, our fifth shoot together! This shoot is definitely one of my favorites, so let’s share!

When mom reached out for her annual photos, I was overjoyed to see this family once again! Each and every year, the girls are even better and better at smiling, and I can’t believe how much they’re growing! Mom wanted to have this year’s shoot at a location with a downtown feel. We got to planning, and finally, it was time for our shoot!

The day of our shoot, we switched things up to cooperate with the weather. We originally decided to try downtown Flemington by Main St, but switched to the downtown Princeton area to make sure we could get our shoot in before potential rain! Turns out, we made a great decision doing so! We beat the rain, but also, this location had so much variety and beautiful spots for photos, including mom and dad’s past wedding venue! So this location had meaning as well, which was absolutely perfect!

We photographed some photos along Palmer Sq and took advantage of different pathways, greenery, benches, and doorways. I love capturing variety, and we definitely were able to do so during this photoshoot! 

Emma and Siena were such a gem to photograph. They have the sweetest personalities, and were full of the cutest smiles. It’s always so great working with them, and each and every year it’s more and more fun! I cannot wait to keep photographing these girls for years to come, and to continue watching them grow up! 🥹 

Like I mentioned before, we also took photos at mom and dad’s wedding venue, the Nassau Inn. Out of curiosity, we decided to ask the staff if we were allowed to take a few photos in the ballroom. We wanted to recreate a few shots, now that the two girls are part of the family! We were granted access and captured so many beautiful shots - some posed family shots, candid dancing ones, close ups of the girls, and of course, just mom and dad. 

Which photos are your favorite?

There's so many beautiful shots from this session, it was so hard to choose just a few! Take a look at some more favorites below.

Ready to schedule a session of your own?

Reach out to JENNAKPHOTOS today via the contact form below, and let's capture memories with you and your loved ones!